Mona Villafan is a budding film student at Norco and Riverside City College. Struggling to get jobs within her field due to the requirements of previous work experience, Mona wanted an enriching internship experience that would provide her with hands-on experience. After being paired with Network Kinection, she was placed with StarWay Productions.
In her own words, Mona shares what her experience has been like in her internship with StarWay Productions.
I would not have received this wonderful opportunity to work for this company without the constant support from the Network Kinection representatives.
I am a film major. My home campus is Norco College, but I take all of my film courses with Riverside City College. Before coming in contact with Network Kinection, I had extreme difficulty finding production gigs on my own.
Despite all the classes I took at RCC, the jobs I was applying to were looking for previous hands-on experience. This was something I could obtain myself, however, with the on-going support from Network Kinection, I was able to secure a job at StarWay, a theater company, as a stagehand. The hands-on learning and experience I gain from different jobs are something I could not learn in a classroom alone.
Although a classroom setting prepared me for gig-work I am now receiving, this job is something that will open doors for me in the future. I would not have received this wonderful opportunity to work for this company without the constant support from the Network Kinection representatives.